Tyler * Carly * Makena * Jade

Thursday, October 8, 2009

A Baby Update...

So I went to the doctor on Tuesday and she said I was already 3cm dilated and 75 % effaced. Yippee!!! So she said basically the baby could come any day. Pretty much as soon as my appointment was over I started having contractions. Nothing regular, but it was a start, right. So here I am 2 DAYS later still having irregular painful contractions. They start getting regular and then go away! Seriously this girl is giving me a run for my money. Hopefully she gets here soon. I can't even handle it. Lucky for us though my mom is AMAZING and called me yesterday to say she was coming to get Makena to stay at her house. It's been a nice break before the craziness gets even crazier!! We miss her too much already though. So that's our update. Hopefully the next post-like tomorrow- is that Jade is here! I don't know how much longer I can wait!!


Leora said...

You're nice you let your mom take Makena. Mike's mom offered to take Claire for several days right before Randy was due and I couldn't let her go. I had to soak in every last second of her being my one and only. LoL. Blasted hormones!

Hope she comes soon for you! I can't wait to see pics!

Brian and Amelia said...

I'm so excited, Carly! Good luck with everything! Can't wait to hear all about it, and see cute pictures! BTW, you are so cute, preggo! Cute dress!

The Dotter Family said...

We all have been blessed with wonderful mothers! I hope it isn't too crazy when she gets here but at least you are prepared:)

Fealyclan said...

well good luck...i hope all goes well. with laynah and jacob i was in labor like yours for a week before deliver! i know how frustrating it is. i know you're excited. hang in there and best wishes for a safe, healthy baby.

heidi said...

Oh soon girl! You look so cute! You and my sister in law are just about the same right now. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!