Tyler * Carly * Makena * Jade

Sunday, August 23, 2009


We are STUCK on a middle name for this little girl who will be joining us so soon. We started a poll. Let us know what you think!!!


Lacey said...

I voted for Elizabeth cause then her initials will be JEM which sounds like gem! Cute!

Clark and Kristen Daniels said...

Wait what is the first name again?? I think that either the first or the middle name should be Kristen

Gary & Julie said...

I like all of your choices...you guys don't need worry it will all come together once she gets here:)

Fealyclan said...

I occasionally sneak a little peak at your blog now and then. i think it's fun to see all you girls with your new babies and cute little families. So, seeing as I like names...i've been thinking about this one. I think Jade Michelle would be pretty.