Mary. Wow! I understand a little how you felt. I can't quite imagine having rode on a donkey for days, getting off, being denied even a room and then giving birth in a stable. I now know the feeling of a natural birth and I assure you, that is not something to be mixed with hay and cold and animals. But endure it she did. To bring a boy into the world who would be so perfect and save us all. I was able to witness that baby Jesus, my baby Jesus, last weekend at our churches presentation of Follow the Star. When I saw my baby in that stable-wailing and all-it touched deeply into my heart. How could Mary do it? I know why she did it, but it took all the strength I had to even let my baby go out into the cold Rancho Santa Margarita night and leave my arms for 10 minutes to play Jesus. She brought him into the world to let him do his work and leave her he did. What strength she had. What love. This season we think so much about Jesus and to him I owe so much, but to that mother we also owe so much. She took on the great responsibility of mother to the Son of God. She gave birth to him, raised him, taught him, and then watched him teach others and later she stood by as He gave his life. To that woman I say thank you. You are my hero. So, as I watched my babe in that cold stable, I learned even more about a mother's life and sacrifice and for that I am so grateful! I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and that we remember what it is we really celebrate.
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3 years ago